I can confidently say that my life would be very different (aka dull and meaningless) if I wasn't an older dog mom. Yes, I would have more money, less clutter to clean, and sleep more soundly at night, but my bed would be empty and my days would be dull.
In 2009 I adopted my first senior dog, Arabella 10 at the time, from Spanish Dogs in Need and I never looked back.. Best decision EVER..She has shaped my life into a life of excitement, amusement and adventure. My life revolves around my dog. Well, doggiesss.. I have three senior dogs now and I want to give you a glimpse into my everyday dog mom life, because there is never a dull moment!
Living with older dogs has to thrive on schedule, but is easier than a puppy or adult dog because they love to sleep.. a lot.. In fact, when I walk to my bedroom during the day, they all follow to see if I go to sleep (even if it's only 2:00 pm).. you never know..
Believe it or not, they don't wake me up in the morning. They sleep as long as I sleep. I like to get up early, especially during the hot summer months, because I feel more productive. So when I get out of bed, so do the dogs. I use the bathroom while they (usually Grigri) wait in the bed (Lily and Dulce both jump out, but Grigri's legs are not strong enough to jump safely) then it's time for our daily walk. Previously it was an hour's walk to the park, but with Dulce it takes 30 minutes longer.. Grigri and Dulce like to explore and investigate EACH tree.. and well, you know.. there are plenty at the park :)
After our walk it is breakfast time! They all get some treats and I give them kibble which I put on the floor (it's easier for them, especially Dulce and Gri who have no teeth). They eat when they are hungry and that works perfectly. Fortunately they are all healthy so no medication.
I'll check my emails while they take nap number one...
Depending on my working hours, I can stay home until 3pm or even later if I work night shift.
When I leave for work I give the dogs a treat and Lily goes straight to my bed and stays there until I get home (even when my sister or mother is visiting they still behave like this… they ignore the people at the home :)) Grigri starts with dog bed number one.. but changes during the day.
When I get back from work Lily is at the door with her toy so I can throw it away, Dulce gets up to greet me and sometimes Grigri is still asleep so I have to wake him up.
I take them out one last time before going to sleep. They don't have a pot
accidents during the night but when I'm at work I use puppy pads as they are 12 and 13 years old and don't expect them to last that long.
How does being a dog mom affect my decision making?
My daily life revolves around my dogs. They come first (if they have surgery - like having Dulce's teeth pulled - I take the day off, I don't care what my job or boss thinks about it).
I am so proud of my senior dog mom's life. Some may call it obsessive, others have called it "unhealthy." But I wouldn't change it (and I really don't see anything wrong with it)! I am grateful to have these dogs that I love and cherish and who care for me just as much. We are an unstoppable team.
They make me stronger. They bring out the best in me. They inspire me. They motivate me to get up in the morning. And I appreciate them for all the times I felt like I couldn't go on, but they force me to do it. My senior dog mom's life is the best life.
So tell me, do you consider your life a "dog mom life?" Tell me about it! What makes life with your dog unique?
a senior-dog-O-Holic mother